It is unclear whether the budget under consideration with NO tax increase will be approved at tonight's (June 13, 2011) school board meeting, or if a tax-increase budget will win. I sent in my email protesting the new idea of a tax increase in time for the June 6, 2011 special finance committee meeting, but it did not show up on the list of correspondence for the meeting agenda. Here is a link to that agenda.
(I hate the Boarddocs program. Everything is embedded. When there is a new and improved PR website I cannot understand why this is used.)
Several Board Directors were either surprised at the lack of people at the May 23 meeting or said that no one was telling them that they didn't want a tax increase, but the final budget version had already been put forward after two months of discussion and compromise. This whole time there was a theme that taxes would not increase this year, so why would people start writing in about it? Hopefully people will show up and complain, as miraculously only people in favor of a tax increase in the district seem to know that it is even being considered. Here is a link to an article about this:
Patch isn't bad for local news, better than Post-Gazette or Tribune-Review (Pine Creek Journal) for school info so far, but it is owned by AOL and started censoring the comments that were critical of Pine-Richland.
I also wondered how many parents really thought about the meaning behind this "Global Studies Center" and how a whole bunch of classrooms (maybe 40 if I read the drawing right – and there's even a PLANETARIUM room which seems excessive) are devoted to this effort. Our kids turning into Global Citizens transferring the wealth from the evil United States from themselves and their future children to other countries who still treat their own citizens like crap. How noble. Here is the link to the presentation.$file/Proposal_for_Pine_Richland_High_SchoolGlobal_S.ppt
I do have more on elementary level issues – the Muslim prayer rugs being made by kids during the so-called "Seasons of Celebrations", new constructivist enVisonMATH, whole language program of Guided Reading) and some thoughts about COEXIST – you see how well Anonymous bitter progressive liberal wants to get along with Christians and how fair her views are – and how it is meant to compromise the Christian faith which does not consider other faiths equal to itself (one God, one way to heaven through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord), although we support the right of others to follow whatever religion they choose.
FYI the planetarium is already in the school and has been there since it was built.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. I am a progressive liberal. Most of my friends are Christians and I deeply respect them and their religion - as long as they keep it out of my school. The arrogance of Christians to think they are the one, true religion is but one of the many reasons that religion has absolutely no place in school. (Sure, they can follow whatever religion they choose, as long as they realize they're going to hell. Such nonsense.)
ReplyDeleteSo, you were right about my liberal leanings, let's see what else you were right about.…that would be nothing. You seem unaware that the planetarium has been there since 1993 when the high school was built. I'm assuming the email you sent to the school board was anonymous, since that's the only type of input you give. The school board does not publicly recognize unsigned correspondence. Here is a link to a statement to that effect by board president Stephen Hawbaker:$FILE/Minutes%20Regular%201%2025%2010.pdf
Also, Patch did not censor your comments because they were critical of Pine-Richland, they did so because you were spreading misinformation about the salaries of our school administrators as well as making negative personal remarks against individual employees of the school district. You were also misrepresenting their job responsibilities. If you would like to repost those comments under your real name they would not be deleted, so why not do that if you truly believe in what you're saying? I think it's because you're embarrassed to be wrong so often.
You're right. I am a progressive liberal. Most of my friends are Christians and I deeply respect them and their religion - as long as they keep it out of my school. The arrogance of Christians to think they are the one, true religion is but one of the many reasons that religion has absolutely no place in school. (Sure, they can follow whatever religion they choose, as long as they realize they're going to hell. Such nonsense.)
ReplyDeleteSo, you were right about my liberal leanings, let's see what else you were right about.…that would be nothing. You seem unaware that the planetarium has been there since 1993 when the high school was built. I'm assuming the email you sent to the school board was anonymous, since that's the only type of input you give. The school board does not publicly recognize unsigned correspondence. Here is a link to a statement to that effect by board president Stephen Hawbaker:$FILE/Minutes%20Regular%201%2025%2010.pdf
ReplyDeleteAlso, Patch did not censor your comments because they were critical of Pine-Richland, they did so because you were spreading misinformation about the salaries of our school administrators as well as making negative personal remarks against individual employees of the school district. You were also misrepresenting their job responsibilities. If you would like to repost those comments under your real name they would not be deleted, so why not do that if you truly believe in what you're saying? I think it's because you're embarrassed to be wrong so often.
ReplyDeleteWell, for all those tax dollars and overruns you'd think they would have a better drawing. Do you know how much money will be spent of this new global studies department? Bet the schools would have enough teachers and paraeducators if the global citizenship indoctrination was curtailed. Cutting all these people and arts and music - low lying fruit - in favor of dabbling in foreign languages in 4th grade, new websites, all new tracking programs for students and teachers, a globally themed $6000 calendar...
ReplyDeleteBtw your arguments fall short to the point of being ridiculous since you are anonymous. Duh.
You're a broken record.
ReplyDeletewe need to stop giving this ignorant woman the time of day and attention that she obviously is starving for. It makes me sick to read these blogs posts.