Monday, May 14, 2012

Symposium Reinstated after Student Protest – then Canceled

In a period of one month, January 5, 2012 to February 4, 2012, I received 118 mainly angry comments on my blog. This coincided with the announcement by teachers that Pine-Richland's Annual Marxist High School Symposium was canceled and its subsequent reinstatement in early February, when suddenly the hate-filled, intolerant comments from self-identified Pine-Richland students ceased. It is obvious that the teachers advocating for the Symposium issued a moratorium on comments because they won their case with the Academic Achievement Committee, which is headed by longtime PR Board director Therese Dawson. As stated in the Academic Achievement Committee Minutes from February 27, 2012:
The tentative date for the 2012 Symposium is May 25th.
More information and detail will be available at the meeting.  There is an article attached for viewing at this time. (editorial note: I did not attach but it is a laborious article discussing literary criticism).
Why would the Board to allow this event to continue if it will be run by the same Marxist Progressive Teachers? Maybe they forgot that the subject of the 1st Sympsoium in 2009 (coinciding with the appointment of Mary Bucci as Superintendent) glorified the thoughts of John Dewey, a founder of the Progressive Movement, a known socialist. Maybe they overlooked the fact that the 2nd Symposium in 2010 showcased Brazilian Marxist and education reformer Paulo Freire? And the 3rd Symposium in 2011 jumped on the globalist/United Nations bandwagon, with a PETA radical as a guest. It is undeniable that these events were designed to promote Progressive leftist views. It is also undeniable that many in our community disagree with this indoctrination.
Maybe the Board directors and Mary Bucci were also bullied by students, as I was, with comments threatening me, harassing my daughter, and suggesting that the First Amendment should not apply to Conservatives? No, that is doubtful. More likely, the Board members have been enthralled by the idea of having an Enlightened event, hampered by their own lack of genuine critical thinking into believing every word written by "Education Week" magazine. Too bad for all of our kids if that is the case.
But wait! In a shocking turnaround the Progressive high school Social Studies teacher who helped organize this event herself canceled the Symposium this year for lack of time, as written in the March 26, 2012 Academic Achievement Committee Agenda:
Symposium- In discussions with Ms. Poulakos-Hreha regarding this year's Symposium, it was determined that there was not enough time to prepare students for a Symposium this spring.  She had mentioned that at this point in the school year much of her time is being devoted to preparation for the AP exam and her other course load.  She felt that at this time in the school year, it would be quite challenging to get everything organized for a productive Symposium in May.  Ms. Poulakos-Hreha is proposing that we conduct the Symposium next year.
Is this acceptable that Marxist teachers will be permitted to run a Symposium again next year against the wishes of the community? I did a little research and found that Pine-Richland is 52.0% Republican and 34.6% Democrat, with the remaining being Independent or other parties. This is a fairly large majority (65.4%)being non-Democratic, who would be expected to support U.S. Citizenship instead of GLOBAL Citizenship, our Representative Republic system of government instead of a Socialistic system of government, traditional values instead of Progressive values. It is time for our community to be fully informed of the situation surrounding the 2012 Marxist High School Symposium.


  1. Therese Dawson needs to go. She has headed this committee for too long.
    Time for change.

  2. No. No. Just no. You have no idea just how WRONG you are. People like you make me sick. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that it's 2012 and our education isn't based on the Bible and your Conservative values. Have a fantastic day in Crazy Land.

  3. Ignore the jabroni above me, I completely agree. Our school board is almost trying to model theirselves as Barack Obama's guinea pigs. Why can't we have any REAL changes in our education, like having "Atlas Shrugged" as a required book to read, or offereing theological studies on the bible instead of just harping the praises of islam in almost ALL of the social studies classes. Our district is seeping closer to hell, and only us real freedom fighters can stop it. God bless and continue this fight against the "forward-thinking leftist pigs" under Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

    RON PAUL 2012

  4. "Forward-thinking leftist pigs?" I think you're right up there with our lovely blogger with your head jammed up your ass. As much as I want to appreciate your values, I can't. I just can't. You guys really are freedom fighters: you're fighting our freedom as Americans. This district is headed in the right direction and you're just going to have to face that. How about instead of nitpicking to find every little thing you disagree with to complain about, you could run for office (or the border, that might work better). In the meantime, you need to learn to respect that not everybody shares the same views as you.

  5. Wow. Of course a fine discussion of conservative ideals HAS to be interrupted by some crass liberal that ran out of pot to smoke and gays to sleep with. Haven't you read the most recent survey by Fox News? 87% of Americans agree that our nation's school districts are becoming more and more unfair to the TRUE VALUES of America. Why don't you realize that America was founded under God's will and that the Bible was the most influential document in the formation of the Constitution (even above that of the magna carta). I'm going to take the high road here and NOT use vulgarities to prove my point, as I don't need them to assert my point. I am right, as are the rest of America's conservatives. Have fun paying for Barack Osama's bills and participating in more of PETA's communist get-togethers.

  6. Could you have picked a less credible news source than your Faux News? Their views are so slanted to the right. If you really want to wow me with statistics, at least get them from a universally reputable source. And the "true values" of America, as defined in the Declaration of Independence, are those of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." I'm sure next you'll try to tell me that the Declaration of Independence is some sort of "Marxist indoctrination of Pine-Richland students by their so-called 'teachers'." I disagree with your statement about the Bible being the most influential document in the writing of the Constitution. What makes you think your conservative viewpoints are right? They're OPINIONS, which everybody is entitled to, but don't abuse them. And as for your "Barack Osama" comment, I want to remind you that President Obama ordered the raid of the Pakistani compound in which Bin Laden was killed.

  7. First, I used "Barack Osama" not to insult his contributions to the war on terror, which are minimal by the way, but to show in a witty way how he is attacking American values and is trying to destroy the way we live. Also, Fox News is more reputable than "Communist News Network" or all the other lamestream news channels. Also, why would God not be influential upon our founding fathers if he is mentioned repeatedly in both the Constitution AND the Declaration of Independence. Even more, look at the pledge of allegiance! "One Nation, UNDER GOD". How about "In GOD we trust"? Our nation is founded on the ideas of Catholicism, my hippie "friend". And you leftists at Pine-Richland are slowly trying to destroy that foundation and replace it with you marijuana-laced values.

  8. First off, even if this nation was founded on religious values, they are certainly not Catholic values. And President Obama has done a lot in terms of the War on Terror, such as ending that war in Iraq, and reduced the number of troops in Afghanistan. You know what that does? IT SAVES LIVES. I'm not saying that terrorism isn't an awful cause, and it definitely needs to be taken down, but I think that the 10 1/2 years that we have been battling it and taking out many of its leaders are worthy of ending it. And he isn't attacking American values, he's doing what every President before him has done: protecting them by continuing the effort to eradicate terrorism as well as provide large boosts to our economy which have reduced the Federal deficit and lowered the unemployment rate. On another note, Fox News is not reputable. There's no argument for that. Just no.

  9. Will you get off your bong and get back to the point at hand? Even though conservatives make up the majority of Pine-Richland, these marxists values are springing up faster than your marijuana leaves in your backyard. We have to stop them from enveloping our teenagers at Pine-Richland!

  10. I hope you realize how disrespectful, rude and irrational your comments are. Does your statement that the person arguing with you is a "crass liberal that ran out of pot to smoke and gays to sleep with" make any sense? Your generalizations are just as unfounded as any generalizations you claim "leftist pigs" will make about conservatives. Last time I checked, as found in Leviticus 19:18, "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself." You're very much entitled to your own opinions, and I wish you the best. But really, you should think about how you act and what you say.

  11. I could not agree with you more. As the liberal side of that previous argument, I was struck by my opponent's sweeping generalizations. Listen, stranger. I don't know you, and you don't know me (and we should keep it that way, it doesn't seem like we could possibly be friends) so I'm not going to make any broad assumptions about you and I would prefer that you don't do that to me. You are definitely entitled to your own opinion, but it doesn't mean that everybody has to agree with you.
