Thursday, January 12, 2012

Radical Teachers incite Pine-Richland Students

I think it is clear that my posts are intended to shine a light on the problems in public education, particularly with Pine-Richland as a district within a conservative community that is regarded as a "good" public school system. I am not trying to convince leftists to change their views, I am only exposing the leftist programs within PR that are promoting this agenda so that moderate and conservative parents and community members can act as they wish.

It is not very mature or responsible for PRHS teachers to misinform their students and get them upset, and the time spent in classes is not a good use of taxpayer money. Here is the most outrageous post from an indoctrinated person:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Marxist Symposium Cancelled?!":

Hello 1CROSBYCAT. We are Anonymous.

In recent times, we have been watching your blog and campaign of misinformation, depict, and complete disregard and disrespect to the virtues of Freedom of Speech and expression. It is a common trend in your arguments that you systematically refute any and all debate arguing for the continuity of the so-called Symposium. For the manner in which you operate, thriving on a baseline existence of rude and unclear exchanges with students, Anonymous has decided that your blog, as a clear and eminent threat to the continuity and protection of civil rights and the education on liberty, is a threat. Your choice of methods, your hypocrisy and the general ignorance of your words have sounded its own death bell, an ugly noise which has reverberated across the world wide web and come to our attention. Consider wisely how you proceed with your posts, for we will be closely watching. Do not believe that we cannot harm you, for you have no where to hide.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. Expect Us.

Posted by Anonymous to
Postmodern Gibsonia? at January 11, 2012 9:59 PM

It is easier to make threats than to make coherent arguments.  So much for freedom of speech - that only applies for folks with a Progressive point of view I guess.  Is this person the product of a Pine-Richland education?  

And here is a positive comment about the symposium cancellation.  Are PR students so sheltered and indoctrinated that they actually believe that only one person objected?  Can PR students utilize a search engine and do some research on the topics and authors for themselves?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Marxist Symposium Cancelled?!":

What all of you don't seem to understand is that it was not just one person (crosbycat) that opposed and spoke out against the symposium. So your attempts to villify her are misguided. She is not a scapegoat for the fact that the symposium was clearly not supported by the administration or the rest of the community.

Posted by Anonymous to
Postmodern Gibsonia? at January 12, 2012 11:44 AM


  1. What you seem to have not considered is that maybe the teachers aren't telling us these things. Maybe we are forming these opinions by ourselves. Although you may not like it, we may have liberal opinions that haven't been planted there by our teachers. The Symposium offers a chance for students to show their points of view, conservative or liberal, and cancelling that shows that you, not the teachers, are the one who is unable to accept different viewpoints. I'm highly disappointed that the symposium was cancelled, but know you weren't the only reason behind this. So, thank you for your opinions, of course you are entitled to them, but students are also entitled to have opinions and share them, whether they fit with community values or not.

    -Yet Another Student

  2. Addison Dishart again. One of my peers informed me of this blog. I never, and still have never heard it mentioned in class. You are not in our classes and would have no idea of knowing if it is discussed in class, which it is not.

    That is one of the issues with this debate. You are arguing against students who are developing their own ideas and you seem overwhelmed by the notion that we are being brainwashed. Please combat my points instead of going after the comments written from anger, which I admit exist.

  3. The Symposium is supported by the vast majority of the student body. It's our education... Shouldn't we be allowed to choose what we do and do not want?

    The Symposium is a positive experiences that allows students to diversify their opinions and see "the other side of things", while still learning how to debate in college. If the students want this experience, the school board has no right denying it to them.

  4. I too thought the above posting from "Anonymous" was written by students at the school. However, my husband said it sounds like the words of an internet "vigilante" group that has been in the news (e.g. see this message from "Anonymous" in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement:,-New-York-and-the-Protesters). There are many other organizations that this group has "declared war on." (I did a web search to find out more about the group since I had never heard of them. There is a lot out there.)

    Most of the comments from students that I have read online seem well thought out and free from negativity. I admire the students who have posted or discussed the cancellation of the symposium for sticking up for something which they believe is a valuable learning experience.

    -Pine Richland High School Parent

  5. Well, Crosbycat, in my opinion this situation is one you have created entirely, not the fault of PR teachers inciting their students. You've expressed your paranoid views numerous times, not just through this blog, but also the email that you openly sent to all Pine Richland families last year. When your views differ so radically from that of the mainstream, and you so openly attempt to force your viewpoint onto others, you are bound to anger people. What exactly was your point in creating this blog in the first place? Why do you insist that the teachers are inciting the students to post on your blog? Don't flatter yourself - the teachers have far more important things to do than occupy their class time with this nonsense. Word of your blog is being passed the old fashioned way - by students word of mouth. If these posts make you feel uncomfortable, well, "too bad so sad". You apparently wanted attention when you created this blog and sent your email last year. Now you've got the attention you wanted, so deal with it or make it go away. As you and many others have pointed out, your left brained children no longer attend Pine Richland. Perhaps you ought to consider moving to another district and see what your tax dollars buy there... Butler County property taxes are reportedly lower. Perhaps Mars is the place for you. Maybe your out of this world views will be more accepted there.

  6. The post by the so called "Anonymous Member" was outrageous. He is not a true member
    He is not what we believe
    We Believe in Freedom.
    Which is what you are doing right now.

  7. Everyone please stop posting on this site. This lady is a nobody. She isn't worth your time. Her ludicrous opinions aren't worth the discussing. There are many fools in the world and it is impossible to try and knock sense into them, no matter how frustrating. She isn't the God she seems to think she is. Yet, she claims to be "warning parents" of the dangers of Pine-Richland, which is another ludicrous and somewhat comical lie. Why don't you express your hate towards every school in America? Why single out PR? If you think every school but PR is perfect then you need your head reexamined. I admit that there are some faults to PR (none of which you speak of) but the positives far exceed the negatives. So please, I ask of everyone, post "Goodbye" and leave this worthless site.

  8. What you don't seem to realize is that the teachers didn't make us upset, and they didn't misinform us either, though I don't think all the students were paying the best attention when the situation was explained in brief, considering there were questions as to why the symposium had not been brought up yet as an optional event which we look forward to. I highly doubt that the threatening post was from a student.

    -A student

  9. Goodbye, best of luck with the rants Crosbycat. I don't support your views in the least, but feel free to express them in whatever manner you choose. Tis the beauty of our civil liberties and a great use of the internet.

  10. We really should leave this blog alone. 1CrosbyCat is obviously an attention whore and is loving us all getting mad at her. It's her right to bitch on here all she wants, but I think we should stop humoring her self-centered blog.

  11. Dear Crosbycat,
    Continue to believe whatever you will. Parents will hold onto their beliefs without anyone telling them to do so, but at least the most sensible of us attempt to respect the viewpoints of others. It is the only thing you have shown you cannot accomplish. You shame this community by not being able to do so. I appreciate that you are worried about what is going on at Pine-Richland as I am, but your complaints are counterproductive and a waste of breath. That does not mean you cannot make a difference at PR, but complaining will not get you there. Complaining is for children younger than the high school students who post on your blog. If you would like this "leftist" radicalism in Pine-Richland to disappear, you are better off proposing a solution to the board instead of babbling about it. A conservative symposium obviously isn't an option because the leftists will make a blog complaining about how right-winged the symposium is and how using the Bible as a source is turning people into Christians instead of Marxists (because that is what any sensible person would do). You were not responsible for the Symposium being cancelled although many students, our children, falsely believe so. If the students were informed, they would realize you are not nearly as important or influential as this blog might make you seem. Students posting on this blog are making a mistake by giving you any attention because your viewpoint is just as radical as the “radical teachers” at Pine-Richland you seek to defame. You are nothing but an outspoken minority. Countless students that I have spoken to that participate in the Symposium love the experience and do not always agree with what the speaker has to say. Many students laughed at the PETA representative because they acknowledged how radical he was. We ask you to grow up and maybe take some tips from the teachers at Pine-Richland. A more global perspective could do you good. Our children will not succeed without it. We hope they hold onto their religious beliefs throughout their lives, but at least their decisions will be informed. Have a nice day.
    The True Community Majority

  12. @ Both people that claim that they are Anonymous... You aren't, sorry.

    They're really busy with SOPA, right now. Even so, Anonymous would not support Crosbycat's side... They're all for freedom of speech, but not in a negative connotation against the liberal agenda. You knew that they are super-liberal, right?

  13. Anonymous (Meaning I don't want you to know who I am)January 16, 2012 at 11:29 PM

    They don't claim to be part of the group anonymous, they just don't want their name to be known here. You might want to get that straight...

    1. Yeah they did. How about you get your facts straight and actually read the posts?

  14. Well no, they claimed to be part of the Internet activist group 'Anonymous'

  15. Yet again, you continue to bash Pine-Richland, a school in which your children no longer attend. I think it is comical you blame the teachers at PR for us finding out about this blog and voicing our opinion. You have all the right to speak what you believe, it's a right given to all Americans, but that right was given to us in hopes it would be used for important and meaningful reasons, unlike attacking a perfectly good high school that you do not see eye-to-eye with. Clearly it brings you enjoyment to see how the Pine-Richland community reacts to your blog, so this is my parting statement.
    ...There is one of you and an entire community of people ready to take you down. Know your place.

  16. I have read all of the posts from students and I have patiently waited for one to make a mature, well thought out, fact based argument that they have indeed been given a well balanced presentation of both sides of issues utilizing literature and information from both sides, which I would hope they would cite. This would demonstrate that the Pine Richland teachers are actually presenting a well balanced view of our country's diversity and allowing the students to process the information and draw their own conclusions. This, however, has not been argued by any student. No, not even one. Crosbycat cited the literature that was utilizied for the symposium and any brief Google search would quickly proved that it was a who's who in Marxism and leftist thinking. No student has shared literature or even thoughts shared with them from a teacher showing that there is a completely opposite ideology from that in the literature that they were to read and form an opinion. These students have been rude, angry, argumentative (and not in an educated, effective way). They have not been at all persuasive to anyone who would not already share their point of view or may be undecided because there arguments have been devoid of facts and educated opinions. Most of their arguments can be summed up as "yes our teachers have presented us with a very liberal ideology, we all like it and agree with it, and it's none of your business so stay out of it". They are, unfortunately, forgetting that Crosbycat is a taxpayer in Pine Richland (as am I) and it is our tax dollars that are paying for both their education as well as the liberal, Marxist propaganda that they are reading. Taxayers do and should have a say in what is taking place in our schools, although liberals believe they are entitled to taxpayer dollars and should have the freedom to do with it whatever they would like. That may be their eventual goal but we are not there yet. These students have been sheltered and lulled into thinking what their teachers are telling them is the only way things are. It seems the teachers may fear that presenting both sides may actually allow the students to pick a point of view contratry to their own. How tragic that would be! These students have been shown a great disservice and it shows in their writing in these posts. How unfortunate.

    1. Excellent post - completely agree. I am a parent AND a taxpayer.

    2. Students have things that they would rather do than comment on someone's blog that makes absolutely no difference whether the symposium is held or not. Like it or not, the ideas of Crosbycat don't matter, what matters are the ideas of the community as a whole. And if crosbycat thinks she represents this community as a whole, than she is mistaken. I, reading over the documents, do not believe that they represent marxist views. They can be interpreted that way, but the students are free to interpret the documents any way they choose. The students aren't forced to agree with the documents, or guided towards either viewpoint by the teachers.
