Based upon all the angry lefties writing to me lately, I suppose it must be true – that there will not be a 4th annual Marxist Symposium on Education. Boo hoo. Too bad so sad.
Why do you all assume it was because of moi? Perhaps your wise, worldly, sophisticated and intellectual teachers ran out of topics to study. Perhaps it is their own fault, picking that KKK PETA guy – kinda lame. How hard is it to present both sides, but I suppose they were afraid their Progressive view would lose – PETA and a farmer, or a dog breeder (an ex-Middle School principal?) Now THAT would be a debate worth attending. Fair trade, free trade – not that those are opposites, but free trade immediately comes to mind – economic freedom, property ownership and the impact on a society. Now you'll have to settle for an Occupy Pittsburgh field trip…
I am disappointed, because there should be 3 years' of right-wing, conservative Symposiums to make up for the last 3 years! How about studying something like "Economic Freedom" or "How Marxism killed 100 MILLION people in the last Century" or "How Media Bias is Out of Control".
You "students" with the bad language – not worthy of a Symposium anyway; I shall delete you.
Not one of you even tried to say that the topics were anything but Marxist-left wing-progressive, you were just attempting (and failing) to justify them, and I appreciate your honesty.
As flattering as all this attention is, you really ought to be looking at Mary Bucci – her contract is up soon and she probably doesn't want any flak. Or at the 3 new Board members who may not be as impotent as the last ones. Or the staggering costs being incurred with these new state-of-the-art buildings/additions. If you care so much, go to the next school board meeting and express yourselves: it is January 9 (today) and January 23 at 7:30 pm.
You mad bro?
ReplyDeleteI am sorry Crosbycat, you have lost all credibility with this post. You have lost any resemblance of a concerned, clear-headed adult. I am sorry that you thrive on negative, hurtful interactions with young people. It's just not a good example for the students. You are not interested in finding solutions or even a common ground, it is sad. Sad for you. The students will move on and accomplish great things in this diverse world, luckily their future is not limited by rantings like this. I trust that these passionate young people will continue to engage in wonderful, challenging, educational (at times vulgar, but I'm confident that life experience and maturity will help them to more respectfully express their frustration) debates through high school, college and beyond with or without your respect and guidance. WWJD?
ReplyDeleteI have to point out some flaws in your proposal(s). First of all, Marxism is irrelevant to the argument that 100 million people died in the last century. Second, the symposium has no relation to marxism. In fact, Marxism is the analyzation and criticism of capitalism. I see no problem with the symposium opposing the idea of an economy without the interference of the government.
ReplyDeleteComing from someone on the right wing, I can plainly say that you are wrong. You seem to just throw around pointless, untrue accusations to make yourself feel good. If you think you accomplished something by this, you're wrong. You completely destroyed a good learning opportunity, just because you don't like some of the knowledge that is being spread. People will have different opinions than you, deal with it.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. We should have a symposium based on completely conservative documents, it would give us a way to refute the arguments, which I am sure are at least better defined than yours (your strategy seems to be using negatively connoted words to describe everything about teh symposium). Since, as we have tried to convince you, we aren't actually brainwashed by everything we read, we would be able to demonstrate that our views are our own - liberal or not we are entitled to express them. And also, we know that you aren't directly responsible, but we just can't pass up a debate or a chance to share our views.
ReplyDelete-A student
Although I am on the right, and agree that sometime the school leans unfairly to the left, it is not excuse to cancel such a great learning and enrichment opportunity. I would kindly ask that you withdraw and allow the symposium to take place. 'If' it is Marxist, then it is the student's job to argue that point, if they should disagree. In conclusion, if the symposium was truly bad, then the students themselves would be the ones who should take action.
ReplyDeleteGo Capitalization
Go Free market
Go 2012 Symposium
You sound like a gloating child. I have lost any and all remaining respect for you and your ideas.
ReplyDelete- A concerned parent
At this rate, I'm waiting for a counter-blog to pop up ... Jeez.
ReplyDeleteCrosbycat, your ability to contradict yourself blows my mind! First you question our maturity and tell us that we are not worthy of a Symposium, and then you mock us by saying, "there will not be a 4th annual Marxist Symposium on Education. Boo hoo. Too bad so sad." Let me assure you that this statement is a direct reflection of your own maturity. Insults and mockery are the true signs of a mature scholar. You contradict yourself again when you first mention that Pine-Richland should cancel the Symposium, and then you go on to say that we should hold three more conservative Symposiums. Now you want to have a Symposium? Are you admitting defeat here? Your work leaves me feeling completely confused. I also have a hard time taking you seriously when you use words like "moi," "kinda lame" and "angry lefties." Additionally, I would like to know where you found the evidence behind the claim that "Marxism killed 100 MILLION people in the last Century." Or did you just make this up entirely? Please save yourself the humiliation. Stop trying to interfere with the education of the students at Pine-Richland, because, after all, your children no long attend this school. If you have a problem paying taxes to our district then by all means, MOVE! No one is keeping you here.
ReplyDelete-a student
As a student, I completely blame you for this. Do you realize that "Postmodern Gibsonia" is such a joke around the high school? People are free to express their own opinions, but what you have done is interfered with the education of students. You may not agree with everything that Pine-Richland teaches, and you have every right to. This is America, and everybody has the right to share their opinions. Guess what? That's what the Symposium is for! Students provide factual evidence to support their own opinions on a subject- something you can't even do on your precious "blog." I say that the Symposium goes on, and I invite you to attend it and see for yourself that there is no "left-wing Marxist indoctrination." You really need to check your facts before you go tearing apart the education of the students in your area. It's a public school in 2012, and students should be able to learn for themselves the facts behind their own opinions, and then have the OPTION of presenting their own opinions. I've commented on this blog before, and haven't always had the nicest things to say to you, but I implore you to stop your pathetic campaign against modern education. I don't know who you are (nor do I care to) and I won't make any assumptions about your life, but IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! Stop and think about that the next time you protest something before you have an understanding of what you are going against. THE SYMPOSIUM WILL LIVE ON whether you like it or not.
ReplyDeleteI must admit, I find this blog exhausting…I’m tired just by reading it and absorbing the incredible amount of negativity generated here by Crosbycat. It’s difficult to understand how any sane, rational person would have the time and energy to be so passionately committed to the cause of persecuting PRSD and the teachers, administrators, students, and parents who believe in and support the curriculum of this district. I am at once concerned and amazed at the paranoia, narrow-mindedness, insecurity and immaturity demonstrated by Crosbycat. The “Postmodern Gibsonia?” version of the Pine Richland reality is twisted and bizarre.
ReplyDeleteLet’s examine a different Pine Richland reality than the one experienced by Crosbycat. In my reality, the teachers are not Marxists, the STEM addition is not a left wing conspiracy, no one is trying to promote cannibalism or promiscuity, the Socratic Circle is not a place where evil dwells, and the 3rd Grade Math book is not throwing children under the bus of Constructivism. Universities are not turning out an army of Marxist teachers, principals, and administrators armed with left wing pedagogy, ready to destroy our democracy by polluting the minds and hearts of innocent children. Dr. Bucci is not my enemy.
In my reality, it is okay to expose my children to the viewpoint of another. Even if that person is a so-called KKK-PETA extremist. Frankly, I’m not worried that my family’s core beliefs will be compromised by an encounter like that. Instead, I find that exposure to those who have different ideas, religions, and viewpoints serves to strengthen my family and our values. We debate, laugh, learn, and grow through lively discussions on the topics our children are exposed to at school. After the 2011 Symposium, we mulled the good and bad points of PETA and animal stewardship over a roast chicken dinner. The irony of that was not lost on my kids, nor was the realization that humans consume and use animals in many different ways every single day. Did anyone become a vegetarian or join PETA? Nope. Did we all grow a little wiser and more thoughtful? Yes, and that was a good thing.
In my Pine Richland reality, I think not only of the education and the curriculum of this district, but of the innumerable personal dealings my children and I have had with many wonderful, caring, dedicated teachers and principals. These are a group of well-educated, well-intentioned professionals trying to do the best they can to educate our children in a complicated world with increasingly dwindling resources. Is every teacher perfect? Does every word in class support my own personal, political, and religious beliefs? Of course not, but my children are learning and thriving at Pine Richland, and so are their peers. In my reality, STEM is not a bad word, and I’m not easily frightened nor overly impressed by new ideas in education. I think having my children educated in a state of the art environment where Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math are focused on is a good thing. Certainly favorable to being educated in an outdated and over crowded classroom. To me, Constructivism is not scary, nor is a scholarly debate, a Socratic Circle, or the summer reading list. It’s okay with me if we have a “Season of Celebration” in the elementary school. I’m not worried that my kids will forget who Jesus is, or turn away from the foundation of Faith we have given them just because they learn about another religion. It does not bother me to COEXIST.
In my reality, I’m proud of the kids who are outraged by the travesty of what can happen when one negative and extreme voice is heard more loudly than the rest. I’m sorry for Crosbycat’s vastly differing state of reality than the one I experience every day, and at the same time I’m thankful to her for the blog that has brought us so many interesting dinner conversations lately. Good luck, Crosbycat. I think you and your children are going to need it to survive the “Postmodern Gibsonia?” world in which you live.
Do you even know what Marxist Left wing progressive means?
ReplyDeleteCan you provide examples one the bias? Quite seriously, if you post ways that the symposium was marxist, then maybe we can FIX it opposed to getting rid of an amazing learning experience.
It is amazing to me that this person has such strong ideas but will not even ATTEMPT to defend them against opposition. Why don't you take a look at the arguments made by my peers.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Addison Dishart and I am a senior and have been a presenter all three years for the symposium. I am not afraid to put my ideas on the public scene, unlike yourself.
I feel bad for your kids.
ReplyDelete-Rational student with normal parents
The Symposium allows us students to learn more about the world around us. I have participated in the Symposium before and I found it a great learning tool. You have no idea the amount of work that students and teachers put into this event. You have truly ruined a great part of our school.
ReplyDeleteAlso, If you don't like the Symposium, don't be involved in it. If you have kids, don't let the participate. You may have forgotten that we live in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We are a free nation. Free to believe what we want and practice what we would like. Another point, as High School students, I am willing to bet that we know more about politics than half of the uneducated voters.
You are have disappointed so many students and teachers in the school because of your outspoken words. If you have a belief, that is great! Keep it to yourself. Stop ruining a potentially great learning experience for other students who want this great experience.
I am so disappointed by this site. Please, move away. Get a job or a hobby. Grow up and accept that all of your ideas will not always be the way things are. You disappoint me.
-A Student
The person can remain in the area and present her ideas but as long as she isn't defending them, she means absolutely nothing to society.
DeleteHello 1CROSBYCAT. We are Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteIn recent times, we have been watching your blog and campaign of misinformation, depict, and complete disregard and disrespect to the virtues of Freedom of Speech and expression. It is a common trend in your arguments that you systematically refute any and all debate arguing for the continuity of the so-called Symposium. For the manner in which you operate, thriving on a baseline existence of rude and unclear exchanges with students, Anonymous has decided that your blog, as a clear and eminent threat to the continuity and protection of civil rights and the education on liberty, is a threat. Your choice of methods, your hypocrisy and the general ignorance of your words have sounded its own death bell, an ugly noise which has reverberated across the world wide web and come to our attention. Consider wisely how you proceed with your posts, for we will be closely watching. Do not believe that we cannot harm you, for you have no where to hide.
We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. Expect Us.
Were you not hugged as a child? You just sound like a playground bully--the way you gloat and say things like "too bad, so sad." Who over the age of 8 says that anyway? Sounds like you were trying (and failing) to be funny. I don't even go to this school and I was angered by your comments. Your post is truly the definition of cyber-bullying.
ReplyDeleteThe student's language is in fact no worse than your own. In addition, you have seriously misunderstood the symposium. There are no Marxist readings that the students are required to read. I would know, being one myself. The symposium explores many viewpoints, from all ends of the political spectrum. Now, you tell me this. What is so bad about learning different perspectives other than the conservative American one, because we are well aware of that viewpoint? There is nothing. Just because students learn about something does not mean they believe it. It is better to know about all history and not just fragments. We all know why you are deleting the student's comments. Because you know that they know more about the symposium than you ever will, and they all know that your perception of the symposium is wrong. You are afraid of the students because you know that you are wrong. By the way, I will not be surprised if you delete this comment because someone else has caught you wrong.
ReplyDeletePine-Richland High School Student
You are honestly one of the most pretentious/ignorant/foolish people I have ever known to exist. You're definetly more stubborn than a donkey and complete idiot for interpretting everything to be the exact opposite of what it truly is. You're a complete dumbass.
ReplyDeleteYou guys should read my blog @
ReplyDelete... Goes for you as well, Crosbycat. :D I don't really feel like copy + pastaing my feelings on this matter.
This is all really unbelieveable. For all of your preaching about tolerance and coexisting and freedom of speech and this being America, not one of you students has the first idea of tolerance and freedom. Crosbycat is free to express her opinion and if there is something going on that she doesn't like she has the freedom to try and change it. That is the United States. This is just as you, as students, have the right to make an arguement to the school not to cancel the symposium. Why no anger directed to your passionate teachers for caving in to the pressures of a blog and not fighting for what they believe to be right? You students have the right to a protest to continue the sysposium, to have a sit in, to go occupy PR if you want to. You can refuse to shower for a week if you like. These are all your freedoms. Instead, you are the ones who act like petulant children and cry and moan. In your world there is freedom, but only for those who hold the same opinion. You sound like a bunch of little Communists. Your posts are full of threats and profanity and name calling. This is what you have been taught? You don't unnderstand the first thing about how the world operates. I am amazed about the hatred that you spew and the threats that you make because Crosbycat followed a process, took action, and from what you say succeeded. You sound like a bunch of baby's who didn't get there way. You need to grow up, educate yourselves, and become far more effective in a reasonable, honest, fair way skipping the angry words and threats. You love Coexist so much but doesn't the Coexist the you support have a peace and love symbol in it or are you only willing to coexist with people who agree with you and don't challenge your thinking and comfort level. If this remains the case you are going to have a very difficult time in an unforgiving world.
ReplyDeleteStill in the real world
I remain aghast at people who call students names and belittle them for trying to navigate the confusing world of small town politics. They are not always eloquent or even appropriate (and I am disgusted by the threatening one but will not condemn others for that one bad post), but they are making more of an effort to effectuate change than I ever made at their age. They care more than I ever did in high school. Whatever happens, I'm really proud of them!
Deletewe would not attack her viewpoints if she did not attack our viewpoints first. I know that seems immature, but through her actions she is restricting our liberty to express our views in the symposium, and that is why we protest, admittedly in some cases too vehemently and perhaps ignorantly, but not in all cases. As I see it, we only have the freedom to act as we please so long as it does not interfere with the freedom of others. Also, if you think our only action has been to comment on a blog, you are severely mistaken. Besides, though some students may have misunderstood the message from the teachers, they did not put up a huge fight because they wanted us to be able to take matters into our own hands. You should reread the posts, I think you will find that the majority are not filled with name-calling, threats, or profanity. Besides, I don't really support tolerance, I support equal rights, as tolerance implies that one thing is lesser to another.
Delete-A student
What all of you don't seem to understand is that it was not just one person (crosbycat) that opposed and spoke out against the symposium. So your attempts to villify her are misguided. She is not a scapegoat for the fact that the symposium was clearly not supported by the administration or the rest of the community.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, some other members of the community may not support the symposium, but at the same time, a significant number of the community does support it. My family supports it, and I know that we do not stand alone. Unless you take a census of the entire community's view on the symposium you really can't support your statement.
Delete-A student
As a parent of two students, I can say I knew of VERY FEW people in the district who were 'for' this symposium..So, I do think the blogger in question, Crosby Cat is being made a scapegoat,
DeleteAs a student, I can honestly tell you that none of the teachers that I have ever had here have told me what to think, in fact what I have learned from them is quite contrary to what you have been saying. All of my teachers have taught me that I should always think for MYSELF. Not only do the teachers here encourage you to have your own opinion, they also provide you with information from BOTH sides of the political spectrum. Despite whatever complaints you have about PR, it is a great school and we are all very lucky to be going here.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all lady, anyone who makes fun of Dr. H is an idiot because she was the best principal ever. Making fun of. Her hobby of breeding dogs is a very immature move on your part. Her hobby was something she enjoyed and her favorite thing besides school, while your hobby is trolling on Pine-Richland. Also one of the previous commenters is the most conservative ever, but you called him a left wing communist. Maybe it is just you that is the commie after all. I am also a republican and your views just plain offend me and makes me embarrassed to call myself a republican.
ReplyDelete-- A PRHS student who is embarrassed for your daughter
Okay the person claiming to be a member of Anonymous up above, yeah, your are a complete idiot. Anonymous believes in free speech, which is just what happened on this blog. So Shut up
ReplyDeleteAnd for the rest of the students. Yes, she crossed a line with some of her comments. But you are still naive, I have been getting a lot of leftist vibes from the school.
Leftist vibes isn't the half of it..
DeleteThe district has done a 180. Next thing you know, they'll be inviting Hugo Chavez to give the commencement address. Or maybe Castro or Obama...
I have an idea. Let's stop humoring this whack-job crosbycat and let's stop commenting on this dumb bitch's blog. She is such an attention whore, and it disgusts me. Every time we post a comment, she seems to consider it another victory. I'm perfectly okay with people being able to express their own opinions in a public forum, but then again, THAT'S WHAT THE SYMPOSIUM IS FOR!
ReplyDeleteWow! My eyes are open. My children are not yet in the PR school district, but if this is a representation of the parents and students in Pine Richland, attacking someone for their opinion, I may look into the Catholic schools or homeschooling.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. People shouldn't be attacked for having an opinion. Crosbycat is wrongfully attacking the school, as it should be allowing the students to share their opinions at the symposium.
DeleteI agree. The behavior/language on this site of the PR students is atrocious! The owner/blogger of this website/blog is being threatened, abused for merely stating her opinion...good Lord!!
DeleteYou're dumb
ReplyDeleteYou are the most closed minded, politically incorrect, ignornat, mean, and possibly racist/anti-semetic person i think i have ever heard and i have never even met you. Coming from students of Pine-Richland we will be the first to admit that our district is far from perfect, but for none of the reasons you have said. There is nothing wrong with students getting to think for themselves. Everyone is allowed to have their own views, their own beliefs, and their own political affliation, and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with talking about them, especially since you like to voice your rude opinions all the time you should know about that. Stop attacking nice, innocent people, and get off this computer and actually do something meaningful with your time. You disgust me. Oh and by the way there is a different between being liberal and different, than being a marxist, get a dictionary.
ReplyDeleteYour insults and personal attacks on the author only demonstrate how thoroughly brainwashed Pine-Richland students can be. You show intolerance and hate only because the extreme ideology of your teachers has been exposed.
ReplyDeleteAgain, Is this vitriol against Crosbycat representative of the students and parents in the PR schoold district? If so, I think Crosbycat has proven her point. You truly are brainwashed...