You may have noticed the emphasis on all things global within Pine-Richland School District (PRSD): Cultural Fusion club, Global Studies wing of new STEM/STEAM addition, Global Issues and Awareness course, Model United Nations (UN) Club, mock G-20 Summit, participation in C.A.U.S.E. (Creating Awareness and Understanding of our Surrounding Environment) competition, UNICEF boxes for Halloween, Empty Bowls fundraiser, etc. This is going on is most local school districts, but why? Is it to make our children more tolerant and understanding of other cultures, or is something more?
"Pine-Richland School District sees the Pittsburgh G-20 Student Summit as a chance for students to participate in discussions of G-20 topics," said district spokeswoman Rachel Hathhorn. "We want them to be global citizens. A lot of our students wanted to be a part of the G-20. This is a great forum for them to participate." (emphasis added) (9-17-09 Tribune-Review)
Global citizenship is not about helping students gain an appreciation for other cultures, a respect for the customs, to relate better to people of other countries. It is about putting the global agenda first, adopting policies (treaties)* of the United Nations (UN) without regard to the negative impact upon our country. These treaties would restrict, for example, the use of our land and our natural resources, dictate how we raise our own children, and require submission to the International Criminal Court which does not provide the protections of our own legal system. Why is it ok for Brazil to drill for oil in its coastal waters, but not us? Does the earth care where a spill occurs? The restrictions put on our country are not intended to protect the environment but to redistribute our wealth, to diminish our influence as a free nation, to eliminate our freedoms delineated within our Constitution. As the public school system indoctrinates our youth by elevating the UN and all other countries while minimizing the greatness of our own country, the result will be a generation of voters who will be willing to give up our sovereignty to global governance via the UN.
This is why we see a persistent negative history of our country being taught. American exceptionalism is a foreign concept to our young people, who have learned everything bad about our country with all of the good diminished. We have the best system of government in all of history. We have an exceptional legal system. We have opportunities that the rest of the world lacks, not because we took advantage of others but because we have a philosophy that if we work hard and persevere, we can achieve great things. How easy it is to forget that our country was formed by immigrants who came here deliberately to have a better life.
*Treaties not ratified by the United States include the Biodiversity Treaty, the Treaty on the Rights of the Child, Agenda 21, the Kyoto Treaty and the Treaty establishing the United Nations International Criminal Court.